
Supporting the Glenn T. Seaborg Symposium

Interested in the science, student research, or keynote speakers of this year’s Seaborg Symposium?

Consider donating at our various levels!

Sponsored Seaborg Student Dinners


Through your generous donation, promising student researchers will be able to attend the Seaborg dinner, free of charge!

Seaborg Corporate Sponsorships

Logo displayed on all promotional materials for the Seaborg Symposium

Preferred table at the awards dinner for eight guests

Sponsorship of the Student Poster Board feature with the opportunity to recruit rising Chemistry & Biochemistry stars

Departmental tours and partnerships

For more information, email our Associate Director of Development Madeleine Martin

The Department Discretionary Fund

Support to the department’s areas of greatest need including:

  • Instrumentation for research
  • Modernizing research and teaching laboratories
  • Undergraduate Research Fellowships
  • Graduate Student Fellowships

Seaborg Symposium Corporate Sponsorship Tiers

Supporting UCLA Chemistry and Biochemistry

Department Discretionary Fund

The UCLA Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry is committed to advancing the knowledge of chemistry and biochemistry through research and teaching. Please consider the various giving opportunities listed below or contact 

Any gift to our department, no matter how small, can help to support the many aspects of our educational mission.

UCLA Chemistry & Biochemistry Matching Program

The Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry is dedicating resources to inspire others to give by extending its Matching Gift Program aimed at significantly changing the future of UCLA Chemistry & Biochemistry through endowed support.

Qualifying gifts to the UCLA Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry endowments may be matched at 100%. For example, a $500,000 gift will become $1,000,000!

If your employer offers a matching gifts program, please consider asking to have your donation matched!

Empowering New Generations

Gifts to support postdoctoral researchers, graduate students, and undergraduates in chemistry and biochemistry.

Consider supporting an area of interest like lab innovation, updated instrumentation, and world-class researchers.

Thanks to our many generous donors, spaces like the new Mani L. Bhaumik Collaboratory and the Dongwon Yoo Seminar & Conference Hall can now serve our students and faculty through it’s large study space, state-of-the-art lecture hall, and postdoctoral office space.

For More Information