Seaborg Medalists

2023-24 Seaborg Medalist:
Prof. Juli Feigon

Nucleic Acid Transactions and the Awesome Power of Structural Biology

Previous Seaborg Medal Recipients

2007 – Dr. R. Stanley Williams, Hewlett-Packard Laboratories

“Making and Using Functional Nanostructures”

2006 – Professor David A. Evans, Harvard University

“Frontiers in Chemical Synthesis”

2005 – Professor Ronald M. Evans, Salk Institute

“Nuclear Receptors and the Complex Journey to Obesity”

2001 – Dr. James B. Peter, Specialty Laboratories

“Interrogating Cells in Health and Disease”

1997 – Professor Frederick Hawthorne, UCLA

“The Role of Inorganic Chemistry in Medicine”

1996 – Dr. Mary L. Good, Under Secretary for Technology, US Dept of Commerce

1995 – Dr. George B. Rathmann, ICOS Corporation

1994 – Professor George S. Hammond, Allied Signal Corporation

1993 – Nobel Laureate Professor R. Bruce Merrifield, Rockefeller Unviersity

1992 – Dr. Ralph H. Bauer, Bauer Investments

1991 – Professor John D. Roberts, California Institute of Technology

1990 – Dr. George Gregory, Products Research and Chemical Corp.

1989 – Nobel Laureate Professor Donald J. Cram, UCLA

1988 – Dr. Warren W. Kaeding, Mobil Chemical

1987 – Nobel Laureate Professor Glenn T. Seaborg, University of California, Berkeley

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